Supporting Documents for Student Approval

To streamline the approval process for Future Students, it's now possible to allow "Supporting Documents" to be uploaded along with a student's registration.

With this feature enabled, Future students will be asked to upload their supporting document (or documents) on the registration page:

The label and help text for the upload ("Certificate of Enrolment" and the "Please upload a PDF  etc." in the screenshot above) can be configured through Admin > Settings > Student approvals.

For example, if you want to allow a Letter of Offer as well as a Certificate of Enrolment, you could change the name of the document upload to "Letter of Offer / Certificate of Offer".

There is the ability to add more than one file, which can be used if there are multiple pages of a scan or if you need more than one supporting document.

You will see the supporting documents in admin when you go to approve a future student account:

The file size limit for uploads is 10MB and the upload area will accept PDF, JPEG or PNG files.

How to Enable Supporting Documents

To enable this feature, go to Admin > Settings > Student approvals and tick the box to "Ask student to upload a supporting document".

If you decide to make use of this feature, you might like to review the "Student Approval Required" follow up page that is shown to after registration to students who require approval. You can edit this page from Admin > Content > Pages, or from the Admin > Settings > Student approvals page.

You should probably also review the "Pending approval" and "Remind students when they are in the approval queue" email templates (Admin > Settings > Email templates) to make sure they are suitable.

New Look for StudyStays

I'm pleased to announce the new look for StudyStays, which is available from today.

It's a cleaner and more modern design. It has better mobile support, and provides more consistency between the mobile and desktop experience. And there are some new customisation options for banners and branding.

There's a video below with a 3-minute overview of some of the changes.

We've tried to take a fairly conservative approach in this redesign, so that not everything changes too much and all at once. This first update is fairly substantial already, so we've avoiding changing layout and functionality unless it was really necessary. We'll continue to make incremental changes to the new look going forward.

For now, you'll find the majority of admin functionality works just as before, but there are some new customisation settings to support the new look. Admin will be updated to match the new look in the not-too-distant future.

Updating to the new look is optional. So if you're busy with other things you don't need to worry about changes until you're ready to proceed. But if you are interested in using the new look, please get in touch and we'll probably be able to update your site overnight, making sure that any existing customisations and branding continue to work.

The following two video have some more detail about the customisation options that are available.

Customising the Home Page Search (4½ minutes)

Customising the Brand Header (4½ minutes)

Recording Feedback

You can record feedback on listings received from students. To access feedback, go to the Providers tab in Admin, then click Feedback.

Feedback is only visible to administrators. Providers won't be able to see feedback about themselves through the website.

There are three types of feedback: recommendations, comments and complaints. This lets you track the sentiment of the feedback, i.e. positive, neutral or negative sentiment.

New feedback is shown as "Open". If feedback requires further action from staff, you can leave it as "Open". Once you've dealt with the feedback you can mark it as "Closed", which is similar to archiving it.

Complaints against a provider will affect the approval score for new listings added by that provider.

The "New feedback" form in admin lets you lookup the provider, listing and student; and enter the feedback all in one page.

You can also allow students to provide feedback directly on listings. An administrator with "Super admin" permissions will need to enable this through Admin > Settings > Feedback, by ticking the box to "Allow students to provide feedback".

When students are allowed to add feedback, they will see a note at the bottom of listings with a link to enter the feedback.

You will be notified on the Admin Overview tab when students have provided new feedback.

Messages between students and providers

The Messages feature for StudyStays provides a method of enhanced communication between students and providers.

Using the Messages add-on, the conversation between students and providers can be handled through your web site, rather than just showing contact info and leaving it up to your users from there.

This gives your users more privacy and security. It also gives administrators increased control and accountability measures to prevent and investigate scams and any other abuse that may occur.

As you will see below, messages work hand-in-hand with normal email. So users can reply directly from their email program, or from your website, or both.

Enhanced Scam Protection

Until now, registered students have been able to see providers' contact information on listings when they are signed in. Even with security measures like email verification and approvals, there have been times when scammers have passed these checkpoints and gone on to try to scam providers. When this happens, it is difficult to try to work out who the scammer is, since there is no requirement for them to use the same email address that they used to register for the site.

Most of these scam attempts appear to be detected by providers before any money changes hands. But it's still an annoyance for providers, and the only solution until now has been to try to educate them on the dangers of online scams.

With the Messages add-on, there is no way for scammers to email providers directly. All messages must be sent through your website, unless providers choose to reveal their email address explicitly to a student. This means when a scam attempt occurs, you can identify who it was, see the message they sent, and block them from using your website again.

With built-in features for reporting suspicious messages as you can see below, it's quicker and easier for your users to notify you of abuse.

Messages In Action

Here are some screenshots showing how Messages work.


Automating Homestays - Email

The Homestays Add-On offers a few handy features to help automate email communication.

There are a number of steps that your guests and hosts need to complete. While the exact steps will be different for each Homestay program, some common steps are gaining admin approval, submitting payment, requesting a homestay, confirming a placement, and maybe going through an orientation or having an inspection.

Homestays can help your users get through each step of the process by sending emails whenever there's new information for the user, or some sort of action is required of them.

Some of these emails are sent automatically, such as reminders for upcoming placements. Others are sent as a result of admin actions you perform. In either case, you can customise your email templates to make sure your users get the information they need, when they need it.

There are just under 40 different email templates available to customise, including a "Signature" template which is inserted at the bottom of every email.

You can edit each template, using rich text formatting (e.g. bold text and links). Some emails have a button to help the user know what to do next.

This particular template goes out when a guest's homestay application is approved. Let's see how that works by approving an application. Here's one that requires approval.

Clicking the "approve" button brings up a window showing the email that will be sent, based on the template. You can make further changes here if you like, and then click "Approve this application" to complete this step of the process.

Now that the guest is approved, if you look on the right-hand side of the screen you can see that the guest has "1 email sent." Each email that is sent will be tracked on your system so that you can see a history of correspondence.

Emails are listed in reverse chronological order by subject. You can click any email subject to see exactly what was sent.