Anti-discrimination law and categories

September 21, 2010

As you may know already, our software handles both rental properties and shared housing. Up until recently, people adding listings were asked the same category questions, regardless of whether they're listing a rental property or shared housing.

Which is all good, until you want to allow people listing shared housing to choose preferences about age or gender. While specifying these preferences for shared housing seems (legally) fine and helps create a shared house that functions well, it's not so fine for standard rental properties. Apart from it not making much sense financially for providers to limit their target audience in this manner, there seem to be anti-discrimination laws pretty much everywhere to prevent accommodation providers doing this kind of thing. (See a summary of Australia's anti-discrimination laws from the Australian Human Rights Commission)

So we've recently added an option to mark a category as only applying to share housing

Not only will this help you to help providers avoid breaking the law, it means providers have less questions to answer when listing rental properties.